Sign up to be a Volunteer here!

We are looking for experienced Rails developers of all genders to volunteer at the October Cleveland RailsBridge workshop. You can use the same RSVP Form as students. When you RSVP, please indicate whether you are volunteering for the workshop, the InstallFest, or both!

This workshop will be in Highland Hills, Ohio.

Not an experienced Rails developer, but still want to help?

You certainly can! We need people like you to assist with registration, managing the door, cleaning up, and with childcare. Just indicate what you want to help with when you RSVP.

InstallFest - Friday, October 13th, 7pm-9pm

Software InstallFest: feel free to volunteer for any amount of time if you cannot make it to the whole event.

As an Install Fest volunteer you will:

  1. Answer questions about what is being installed

  2. Help troubleshoot as attendees set up their laptops for the next day’s workshop.

Workshop - Saturday, October 14th, 9:00am-5pm

9:00am-5pm: workshop (breakfast & lunch provided).

5pm-9pm: after-party for volunteers & attendees, after-party location TBA

As a Workshop teaching assistant, you will:

  1. Help attendees as they work through the workshop topics

  2. Help instructors answer questions

As a Workshop volunteer, you can:

  1. Greet participants as they arrive for the Install Fest and/or the workshop

  2. Help set up morning and lunch food service

  3. Keep track of workshop equipment such as adapters and projectors

  4. Join other volunteers in childcare